Katie, (((Hugs)))), I'm so sorry you're going through all this drama. Terrible that your ex is putting your daughter in this position. How dare he. You have every right to be mad. I had a step mother, an absolute witch (I called her by her first name, my dad didn't have a death wish, my mom would've knocked him out if he tried to make me call his new wife anything) Trust me, whether the step is nice or not, your daughter knows exactly who she is and who she is not. Nobody can replace mama. And you sound like a really good one. Just a word of warning, It does sound as if your ex is going to try for sole custody, he may try to get you to lose control emotionally so that he can say, See -she's hysterical, she's an unfit parent, ect. So don't give him the satisfaction of losing your temper with him. Seems, that's what he wants. Is he a JW? Do lawyers do pro bono work in the U.K? If so, get one quick. All the very best, Love V Sky
Victorian sky
JoinedPosts by Victorian sky
My daughter has to call her 'mum'
by katiekitten inim sorry i havent been on the forum for ages.
but like the prodigal son i have a problem now, and i would really appreciate some help and input.. i found out at the beginning of the week, by a slip of the tongue from my daughter, that she has been told by her dad to call his new wife 'mum'.
daughter is 8, and on questioning has said that she feels she might get told off if she doesnt use this term.. i initially phoned her dad to ask if this was true, and he told me she uses the term all the time and 'its none of my business'.
My Birthday
by Madame Quixote inapril 21 was my birthday and only one person knew or cared (and it was not my mom or dad).
it was my daughter.
the delights of having a jehovah's witness family do not end.
Victorian sky
Happy Birthday, MQ! And many, many more! Love, V-Sky
Best Committee Meeting Yet - They threatened to call the police on me!
by SickofLies inyeee haaa!
i'm an outlaw now!
the elders warned me that if any i talk about anything said in the judicial committee or post any pictures i've taken, i'm in big trouble and i don't want these people as enimies!
Victorian sky
You are so cool. Thanks for the early morning laugh. We'll testify at your trial but something tells me publicity is not what they want. Love, V-Sky
UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?
by RichieRich inyesterday after school i had to go work on a project with friends.
mom said be home by 5, but there was a huge accident a mile from where i live, and i sat on the road for like 10 - 12 minutes, and was 5 minutes late getting home.
mom was there (didn't go to work- guess why) and she was pissed.
Victorian sky
I think some of you are seriously harsh. Jeez.
Terri and Z have a lot of compassion, there is nothing sinister about their sincere offers of support for Richie, who is our friend. That's what friends do, help each other out. Not judge and say, 'I told you so'. We're all entitled to our opinion but the focus should be on Richie. let's show him some unconditional love. All of us can do that. V Sky
I got DF'D yesterday
by IronClaw ini got a call from my wife today.
she said they made the announcement at the hall yesterday that i got df'd.
they said that i am no longer a jehovah's witness.
Victorian sky
Ironclaw, ((((Hugs)))), we're here for you. Please keep posting, especially when you need to vent. How's your daughter taking this? Hope all is well. Be strong, you're not alone. Love - V Sky
My dad's continuing journey.....
by freedomlover inany of you who have been following the saga of my life and my dad will appreciate how another person is finding the truth out.
i sent him the scans of lady liberty's addition from grayson's book.
(thanks ll!
Victorian sky
Freedom, That's so encouraging! You're right, people have to do their own research and it sounds like your dad is on a mission to find out the truth, that's great news. Please keep us posted. - V Sky
UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?
by RichieRich inyesterday after school i had to go work on a project with friends.
mom said be home by 5, but there was a huge accident a mile from where i live, and i sat on the road for like 10 - 12 minutes, and was 5 minutes late getting home.
mom was there (didn't go to work- guess why) and she was pissed.
Victorian sky
Richie - I hope today is better.
Poppy- Seriously? Yeah, I remember what it was like to be in, all right. I haven't forgotten what it's like to be self-righteous, judgmental, harsh, cruel and intolerant of my own mistakes and that of others. Jesus has freed me from all that, I'm free to love now. Richie is almost EIGHTEEN, give him a break, he's got more balls than all of the gb combined and they're all ancient!
Cabasilas - I love how you helped your wife.
Love ya Richie, hang in there, don't give up, you're an inspiration - V Sky
The Big Four-Oh Today...
by Confession inso i'm 40 today.
wow.... not only have i never celebrated my birthday, but my "date-of-birth" (april 20th) has always coincided with that of adolph hitler's and, more recently, the 1999 columbine student massacre.
furthermore my daughter has just informed me that today (4/20) is also inernational marijuana day, apparently to coincide with the term "four twenty," which stands for pot.. anyway, although age 40 has traditionally been one of the major mile-markers in peoples' lives, i feel great!
Victorian sky
HAPPY BIRTHDAY C! My hubby, Primitive Genius was born today too so you're in great company. They say 40 is the new 30 and it sounds like in your case that's true. Seems like you're having a blast. You will meet your woman, that's my birthday wish for you. - God bless, V-Sky
UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?
by RichieRich inyesterday after school i had to go work on a project with friends.
mom said be home by 5, but there was a huge accident a mile from where i live, and i sat on the road for like 10 - 12 minutes, and was 5 minutes late getting home.
mom was there (didn't go to work- guess why) and she was pissed.
Victorian sky
Richie, (((Hugs))) I am so sorry, you're a good person and we're all proud of you here. You have so much courage. I pm'ed you - Unconditional Love, V - Sky
by DevonMcBride in.
my thoughts are with you on your first birthday as a free person.
Victorian sky
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHIE!!!, we all love you, many blessings man. You have a great future ahead of you. You will accomplish great things. Love, V-Sky